Community Platform
  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Digital marketing
  • E-government
  • Entrepreneurship
  • more...
This Year
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1280 Points
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      Sean V Murray
      and 582 others received 50 points for participation in Temple Analytics Challenge in Fall 2016
      30 October, 2014
      Sean V Murray
      and 582 others received 50 points for participating in the Design Challenge - 2014
      30 October, 2014
      Sean V Murray
      and 544 others received 25 points for attending Distinguished Speaker Talk- Roger Nowakowski
      09 October, 2014
      Sean V Murray
      and 544 others received 25 points for participation in an IBIT small group meeting with Joe Spagnoletti
      09 October, 2014
      Sean V Murray
      got their e-portfolio approved
      27 March, 2014
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